

January 2014

2013 marked the one-year anniversary of the formation of the Turkey River Watershed Management Authority (TRWMA).  The TRWMA was established under a 28E agreement by 7 Soil and Water Conservation Districts, 23 communities, and 5 counties with the intent of reducing flooding and improving water quality in the Turkey River Watershed.  The TRWMA holds quarterly public meetings. The meetings include presentations from various experts, information sharing regarding ongoing projects in the watershed, and facilitated planning discussions. … Read more ›

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today encouraged eligible groups to apply for grants to support projects that will improve water quality in the state.  Approximately $1 million is available through the Watershed Improvement Review Board to support qualifying projects.

Funds are available to local watershed improvement committees, soil and water conservation districts, public water supply utilities, county conservation boards, cities and counties.… Read more ›

The City of Monona, a member of the Turkey River Watershed Management Authority, has been approved to move forward with a project to redirect storm water runoff associated with the Monona City Aquatic Center. The funding was secured through a new program related to Iowa’s State Revolving Fund (SRF).  Monona applied to SRF in July of 2013 and received final approval in October. … Read more ›

Due to severe weather forecasts in northern Iowa, the NASA and Iowa Flood Center public outreach event scheduled for Wednesday, June 12 at 7 p.m. in Room 104, Wilder Business Center, on the Northeast Iowa Community College campus has been CANCELLED.

NASA researchers will be occupied at research sites tracking the storm and monitoring instrumentation.

For more information about NASA and the Iowa Flood Center, visit the following sites: more ›

Access Rainfall and Soil Moisture/Temperature Data using the Iowa Flood Information System and any of the following three methods

METHOD 1 (Step by step instructions)
  1. Visit
  2. Launch IFIS >>
  3. Click Launch IFIS (View Screenshot)
  4. From the dashboard, click LAUNCH in the STATE OVERVIEW tab. (View Screenshot)
  5. Click Rain/Soil Moisture Gauges under the DATA RESOURCES tab. 
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Finding a location for two of the four University of Iowa XPOL radars was easy. They will remain at their current home base locations near Iowa City and Cedar Rapids overlooking the Clear Creek Watershed for the IFloodS campaign.  For the other two destined for the Turkey River basin in northeast Iowa — well, there was work to be done.

As is typical, finding the “ideal” radar locations proved to be challenging. … Read more ›

West Union’s green pilot streetscape project and partnership with the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) will be featured on an educational television program, “Profiles Series” with host Larry King, on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 6:00 am on the Discovery Channel. The half-hour program will include other feature segments and commentary by host Larry King from the studio. A production team gathered footage in West Union on November 1, 2012.… Read more ›

GUNDER —Ron McCartney wears several hats with the Turkey River Watershed Management Authority. He is WMA secretary/treasurer, a Clayton County supervisor, and he farms land impacted by Turkey River flooding.

“This is completely different than anything we’ve done in the past,” said McCartney. “We’ve had a lot of water quality projects in this area, but this is the first time someone is taking a shot to see if it’s possible to affect water flow.… Read more ›

The Turkey River Watershed Management Authority is working on a five-year pilot demonstration project with IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering at the University of Iowa and the Iowa Flood Center.

The project’s goal is to create state-of-the-art hydrological modeling of the water flowing through the Turkey River Watershed, said Lora Friest, executive director of Northeast Iowa RC&D in Postville.

The Iowa Flood Center has put its own stream stage sensors at 11 locations in the watershed and at other locations.… Read more ›

West Union’s green pilot streetscape project and partnership with the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) will be featured on an educational television program, “Profiles Series” with host Larry King, on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 6:00 am on the Discovery Channel. The half-hour program will include other feature segments and commentary by host Larry King from the studio. A production team gathered footage in West Union on November 1, 2012.… Read more ›

Engineers at Oregon State University have developed a new interactive planning tool to create networks of small wetlands in Midwest farmlands, which could help the region prevent massive spring floods and also retain water and mitigate droughts in a warming climate.

The planning approach, which is being developed and tested in a crop-dominated watershed near Indianapolis, is designed to identify the small areas best suited to wetland development, optimize their location and size, and restore a significant portion of the region’s historic water storage ability by using only a small fraction of its land.… Read more ›