Turkey River Farmers Encouraged to Attend Profitability Workshop

Farmers and landowners in the Turkey River Watershed are invited to a farm profitability workshop on Friday, Feb. 24 from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 am at the Fayette County Fairgrounds Dance Pavilion in West Union.
As profit margins get tighter, farm profitability is more important than ever. Attendees will learn about profitability analysis as a way to evaluate and improve farm performance.
At the workshop, Dan Bahe, AgSolver precision business planning specialist, will explain the profitability analysis process and the basic information needed to get started.
“Profitability analysis is a great way to identify which areas of a field are high performing and which are low performing,” Bahe said. “Once farmers have this information, they can consider more profitable alternatives for each area.”
Additionally, the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) and the Northeast Iowa Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) will discuss an opportunity for farmers to participate in a confidential profitability analysis at a discounted price of 25 cents/acre.
Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m., with a catered breakfast served from 7:30-7:50 a.m. RSVP to Ross Evelsizer, Northeast Iowa RC&D watershed planner, at 563-864-7112 by Tuesday, Feb. 21.
The event is hosted by the Northeast Iowa RC&D, AgSolver and ISA. The profitability project is sponsored by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and the National Fish and the Wildlife Foundation.
The Iowa Soybean Association (www.iasoybeans.com) develops policies and programs that help Iowa’s more than 38,000 soybean farmers expand profit opportunities while promoting environmentally sensitive production using the soybean checkoff and other resources. The association was founded in 1964 and is governed by an elected volunteer board of 22 farmers. It strives to be honest and transparent, fact-based and data driven and committed to environmental stewardship, collaborations and partnerships.